Servant of Christ

Christmas Letter

It is always, “Tis the Season.”

Christmas Letter

It is Always, “Tis The Season,” Christmas Letter

Servant of Christ’s Christmas Letter;


I pray that this letter finds you well. As time passes, memories with family, friends, and brothers and sisters in the Lord become ever so cherished that I want to thank you for blessing me with some of those cherished moments. As Christmas is fast approaching, let’s not forget the reason for our celebration and giving. God’s gift of salvation through the birth of Christ Jesus’ is the most excellent gift we can ever imagine and the reason for the season. However, that gift doesn’t end there. God’s gift blesses each who receives it with love, wisdom, knowledge, truth, strength, and joy. These blessings allow each of us to live a fulfilled life and allow us to carry out His will. In today’s world, many have communicated about becoming troubled and fearful due to world events that have caused emotional and physical hardships, blocking their celebration and joy and, in some cases, questioning, and for non-believers, their willingness to accept God’s gift of salvation. For a non-Christian, these world events will consume and destroy, ending with judgment on Christ’s return. But for many of us, these are exciting times as world events reveal Biblical Prophecies being fulfilled and Christ’s return becoming closer. As we know, our life without Christ would be far different. Like many, I have experienced many tragedies, some that have shaken me to my core, but then Christ, and only Christ, brings us back to a fulfilled life full of joy. Without Christ, our lives would be full of pain and sorrow, meaningless without direction. That is not the life that God intends for anyone. We have entered unprecedented times, with wars, rumors of wars, chaos, lawlessness, subjective truth, and morals becoming the norm, as prophecy is being fulfilled and the pending return of Christ Jesus growing ever so closer. Christ Jesus instructed us that the greatest commandment is to “Love God and Neighbor.” More than ever, these are the times for each of us to obey His instructions and, by our love, share God’s gift, warn of pending judgment, thus fulfilling His command. Ezekiel 33:6-9 informs us that we must warn of pending judgment and will be held accountable for failure. Christ Jesus’ very last words to us were to share His gift. I urge all to be the light this Christmas season and share God’s gift, allowing those who receive His gift to experience Matthew 11:28-30 “Come to Me, all weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you, and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart; and YOU SHALL FIND REST FOR YOUR SOULS.   “For My yoke is easy, and My load is light.”

God Bless, and Merry Christmas


Joseph Rodick

John 3.16

John 3:16

“For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life. “